Sunday, September 4, 2011


September is here, the summer is gone. Yesterday was the last hot summer day with 100+F degrees, today is cloudy, windy and 20 degrees colder. Brrr!! Bring my winter clothes!!

May and June were awesome EL months - four for each month which is quite GRAND for me! :)

Then July dropped down to two, and August only saw one EL - a Christmas image!!

I lost one of my cute blue tabbies to a coyote - so only one of the sisters is left. Poor baby - she was a super sweet, albeit a little shy - little kitty. Her sister's best friend and play buddy :( Rest In Peace, Sweetie.

The kids flew in in June and out again in August. Why, oh why does time fly so fast when you're having fun? And fun we had. (((HUGS))) to both of you.

So, September is here - cold and windy like falls usually are... Hummers will be gone soon, and butterflies - the very few we've had during this excruciatingly dry and hot summer - will wane off for winter.

Let's have the thumbs up for the fall - and lots of visits from the Sweet Little EL Fairy!! ;)

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